10 steps DIY pineapple pen holder with air hardening clay

air dry clay pen holder

How to Make A Clay Pen Holder?

We’re going to make DIY clay pens or pencil holders. keep on your desk. You can make these in a whole bunch of colors and designs, customizing them to your liking.

10steps DIY pineapple pen holder with air hardening clay 黏土鳳梨造型筆筒 | 立鑫 Ly Hsin

What’s Material Needs To Prepare?

pen holder tools
tools for air dry clay pen holder

• Air dry paper clay in various colors of your choice
• Discarded bottleS
• Clay tool
• Shears/ Scissors
• Pigment/Acrylic paint

Preliminary Work Of Pineapple house Pen Holder

First, prepare air-dry clay(any color you like). Mix two colors of air dry clay together.

pineapple pen holder
air dry clay pineapple pen holder

Second, use the clay tool to roll, again and again, until the clay color you like and roll flat. Make the modeling clay have a large area to coat the bottle. Notice, the clay needs consistent thickness.

pineapple pen holder material
air dry clay pen holder
pineapple pen holder material
air dry clay pen holder

When the clay coat the glasses, you can use less water to make the paper clay smooth and roll flat with the rolling tool on it.

pineapple pen holder material
air dry clay pen holder

Cut the bottle into the shape of a pineapple.

pineapple pen holder material

Roll a different color of air dry clay into a thin, elongated shape and attach it to the cut-out shape previously made.

pineapple pen holder material

Shape the air dry clay into the form of a door and carve out the details.

pineapple pen holder material

pineapple pen holder material

Attach the carved door and window onto the body of the pineapple-shaped bottle.

pineapple pen holder material

One day after, use acrylic paint to re-color the faded air dry clay.

pineapple pen holder material

Now you will have so much fun making this pineapple house pen holder. What’s great is that you could make a million different versions of this same idea with air dry clay.

air dry clay pineapple

Ready to take the next step? Click the following link and get started to create your own fantastic clay!

For more information about air dry clay or other types of clay, feel free to visit our website: https://www.lyhsin.com 

Welcome to Alibaba / Amazon or contact us( info@lyhsin.com)  for the customization! 

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